The Client tab captures common demographic information. A few important items are highlighted below.
- Although not required during the Add process, the fields highlighted in yellow are required for billing.
Default Location - Selecting a default location for the client will not change any key data on the HCFA. However, it does affect the following areas.
- Reports - DAANES, Client Labels, Clients By Category, Clients at Location, A demographic client report, Interaction Types, POSR, and Service Duration.
- Notifications - It can affect who receives notifications if the staff is set to receive notifications in the Staff Module > Locations Tab.
- Client Module - If affects how clients are shown in the main view of the Clients Module.
- Other Modules - It is also used in the Eligibility and Appointments Modules.
Patient Number - Procentive auto-populates the Patient Number.
- This can be overridden but we strongly recommend using the generated number as it helps avoid duplicates.
- An all-number patient identifier also follows HIPAA compliance, particularly when using emails, as only client numbers will be listed and not the client name.
- Intake Date - This field defaults to the current date (the date you clicked the add button). The default can be overridden. The date you select may be the date the client was entered into Procentive OR the actual date the intake was performed by your staff.
- Date of Illness - This is the start date for billing services and is often the same as the Intake Date. RULE: Procentive will not allow you to enter or bill a service line prior to this date.
- View this article for more information on Intake Date vs Date of Illness.
- When entering the client's name, the system will warn you if the IDENTICAL client name already exists in the database.
Family - Use to associate the client with a Family.
- The Family must first be created in the Families module before it is available to select in this drop-down field.
- View this article for more information on Families Module.
- Address Information - Enter the address line(s) and then skip to the zip code. Enter the zip code and then click the pick list icon to the right to auto-populate the County, City, and State fields.
- Primary Email - Entering an email is highly recommended for outpatient clients as it can be used for email notifications.
Date of Birth - Must be entered.
- The field auto-formats the values.
- Note that entering 00/00/0000 and clicking save populates the birth date field with 11/30/99.
- This is not a bug but part of the code, so the best practice is to leave this field blank until you have the correct birth date.
Social Security Number - This field is not required for billing, but entering this data is highly recommended to avoid duplicate clients.
- If using DAANES batch upload report, the SSN should be entered (at least the last four digits) as this pulls into the DAANES report.
- The system also auto-formats the values entered.
- When adding clients, Procentive checks for duplicate social security numbers. This check is the only way to completely ensure that clients are not entered more than once in the system.
Release signed by client of medical billing data related to claim and Privacy practice notice
- The “Release of Medical Billing Data” is required for billing to occur.
Race, Ethnicity, Preferred Language and Secondary Language fields are located at the bottom of the Clients screen.
- These fields are often used in state reporting and should be populated when the information is available.
- For example, Race is a field used in Demographic Report 3420.
- More than one Race checkbox may be selected.
- Preferred Language is used in CCDA file creation.
When the information entry is complete, selecting save or moving on to another tab triggers the system to save the data.
IMPORTANT: When there are multiple users working in the system, there is potential for clients to be added at the same time. As a result, a warning could be displayed indicating that the patient number is already taken. This just means that the first client saved was assigned the Patient Number you see on your screen. To address this issue, return to the Patient Number field and select the pick list icon (circle with three lines) again. This grabs the next available number and allows a successful save.