NOTE: Be sure to check out Procentive staff's favorite new features, as denoted by this icon:
New Features
This release provides the first round of updates for CURES 2015 Update compliance. We also put together some important information and resources regarding the CURES 2015 Update, including links to additional resources and an FAQ that you can share with your clients. And of course, this build's highlights are listed below.
- On the Client tab, there is a hyperlink for "Previous Names" to the right of the Last Name field. Clicking the link will take the user to a grid that houses a variety of previous names, including name type and type code. The user will also be able to select a start and end date for the names, which captures the complete historical record and is included in the CCDA.
- Clients > Misc tab: When you scroll to the bottom of the screen, there will be a link to see the Functional Status and Cognitive Status as separate entries. The user will be able to enter Functional Status, Cognitive Status, or both for a client.
- A separate section is available under Current Address to record the client's Previous Addresses.
- Immunization data in the CCDA is updated to not show inactive immunizations or display as UNK (unknown).
- Allergies must show the SNOMED code if it exists, and the RxNORM code, if it does not. It is also editable for clients not using the ePrescribe functionality.