Our focus for this release targeted updates and fixes to improve reporting and billing.
- New options were added to the Sexual Orientation field on the Client tab in the Clients module. This field now contains available options for ‘Asexual’ and ‘Pansexual’.
Reported defects were addressed in the following report:
- We made several updates to the 50390 Report to fix issues found after the September release, including fixing specific dates in the report, adding the Privacy Notice Signature Date column, and resolving various performance issues.
- Updates were made to the Amount Outstanding calculation to include any applicable interest and refund amounts.
Billing & Payments
- Updates were made to the value displayed in the 2010BA loop, DMG segment if the sex in the Client demographics is set to "Other".
- When a fake location is accidentally added to service lines, it is able to be billed out without an error.