Create a New Sub-Directory
- Click on Documents Module.
- You can choose how to organize your data by using the radio buttons along the top of the screen.
- This article will use the example of creating a sub-directory under a specific staff's name.
- Click on the Staff radio button.
- Click once on the Staff's name.
- A blue, new sub-directory link will appear in the properties column, on the right-hand side of the screen.
- A blue, new sub-directory link will appear in the properties column, on the right-hand side of the screen.
- Click on the blue new sub-directory link.
- A new Untitled sub-directory will appear to the left under the staff's name.
- New options appear in the column: change, delete, new subdirectory, new file, and a drop-down to create new file from template.
- Rename the Untitled sub-directory in the box provided.
- Click the blue change link to save your changes.
- You will notice the subdirectory beneath the staff name will be update to this new sub-directory name.
Add Files
You can add files to any of the sub-directories you create.
- Click the sub-directory you would like to save the document in.
- It will turn tan.
- Click on the new file link in the properties column.
- Click Browse (or Choose File depending on your browser).
- Select the file from your computer.
- Change the file name.
- Click the blue change link to save your progress.
- You will be able to see the file name and size in the sub-directory you saved it under.
- You will be able to see the file name and size in the sub-directory you saved it under.
- To view the file again, double-click on the line with the filename and the document will download to your computer.
Removing Sub-directories and Files
- Locate the sub-directory by clicking on the black drop-down arrow.
- Click once on the Sub-directory so that it becomes highlighted and the properties column appears on the right-hand side of the screen.
- Click delete. Your sub-directory is deleted.
IMPORTANT: Deleting a sub-directory will also delete all files stored within that sub-directory. Once the sub-directory is deleted, you cannot recover the saved files that were within that sub-directory.
Tags and Other Search Options
Tagging a file makes searching for files relating to a certain topic simple. When you search for specific words, if your document is tagged with those words, you are able to find them easier.
Add Tags
Before you can tag a file, you will need to add tags. To do this, you must be at the document level (you can either add a “new file” or click on a file you have already created). In the properties column, the list of “Tags” will initially be empty.
- Highlight the document line you want to add a tag to.
- It will turn tan.
- Click on the blue tags link. A new window will open.
- Give your tag a name.
- Here are a few examples, not necessarily needed for the same document.
- Here are a few examples, not necessarily needed for the same document.
- Choose if your tag is private or not.
- Private means your tags will be private for yourself. Nobody else will be able to see your tag.
- Click Add to save.
- You have created a tag. Now scream with excitement! Okay, maybe just pat yourself on the back because you are probably in an office. Possibly pretend to scream with excitement?
- To create more tags, repeat steps 3 through 5 (including screaming or patting yourself on the back).
Edit a Tag
- In the tags box, click a tag you want to change.
- Rename and change the private setting as you wish.
- Click Change. Your changes will save.
Adding Tags to a File
In the Properties column, select one or more tags that this file has (to select more than one, use control or shift and click on all of the desired tags). Once the tags have been selected, click on the blue “change” link and the tag will be attached to the file. After this is done, you can filter by tags in the upper area of the Documents Module. Selecting a “Tag” from the “Tags” drop-down field will make a new window open that lists all of the files in your database with the selected tag. The window will display the name you associated with the file, the actual file name, the file size, and the location of the file. The name you gave the file in Procentive will be a blue link, and clicking on it will bring you directly to the file. You will be able to tell that the tag is linked to the document because it will be highlighted. Note: You MUST be in the correct “Main File” for the system to bring you to the file location.