Billing-related notes are available once a service line has been billed and can be found in the Payments module, ERA module, Collections module and in the Invoice window. These notes are also called invoice notes. The archive functionality will hide an archived note from view in the notes window. This article will explain how to hide them, identify them and view them again.
Add Note To Archive
- Locate the note.
- Click on the note.
- The note window will open.
- The lower section of the window will contain previously added notes.
- Click Archive.
- This will archive the note and hide it from immediate view.
- This will archive the note and hide it from immediate view.
- Close window.
Identify Archived Notes
An indicator will appear in a box at the top; it will tell you how many notes have been archived within this window.
View Archived Notes
- Click the Show Archived Notes check box.
- The notes will appear with your un-archived notes and will display an archived flag.