When attempting to create new invoices, you receive an error message that states, The insured's (first name/last name/address, etc.) cannot be empty. You have verified that the address is in the Clients Module. Learn how to find where this issue is coming from.
Issue Explained
This error is occurring because this client's payer information says that the insurance is through someone else (spouse or parent), rather than the client him/herself.
- Go to the Clients Module.
- Double-click the client's record you are having issues with.
- Click the Payers Tab.
- Click the Enrollment sub-tab.
- Scroll down until you see the field: Client’s relationship to insured:
- Fill in the required (highlighted) fields listed below this drop-down.
- Click Save.
- Go to Billing Module.
- Click Add.
- The error will be gone now.