When you want to provide services to a client for free and still track the services to determine how much money you're providing in free services, setting up a Pro-bono payer is the recommended option. By following the instructions below in the order they are given, you will be able to create a Pro-bono payer to track these services.
Create a Pro-bono Payer
- Go to Payers Module.
- Click Add.
- Select Private Pay (private) from the drop-down menu.
- You may also type Private Pay into the text field and click the quick search arrow to narrow options in the drop-down menu.
- Enter the name you wish to call it in Payer Name, we recommend Probono.
- Click Save.
- Double-click to re-open the Pro-bono payer you just created.
- Click Payer Rules tab.
- Change Automatically write-off all charges at time of billing to Yes.
- Click Rates tab.
- Click Codes sub-tab.
Select the codes from the picklist and enter the Rate (per unit) you would normally charge.
- If providing pro-bono residential services, enter codes and rates in the Program/Codes sub-tab.
- Click Save.
Create a Custom Write-off
- Go to the Settings Module.
- Click Billing tab.
- Near the bottom locate the setting Number of custom writeoff fields to use.
- Select the next highest number (Max of 10 allowed).
- Ex: If it states 1 then change the drop-down to 2.
- The number of Writeoff Fields will display below.
- In the new Writeoff Field that appears blank, enter Pro-bono in both the Name and Plural box, leave other settings as is.
- Scroll to the bottom and click Change.
Setup Automatic Write-off
- Go to Settings Module.
- Click Billing Tab.
- Scroll to the bottom to locate the setting Automatic Write-off at Billing.
Select from the menu the Probono option.
- Click Change.
NOTE: How it works: When a client is assigned this payer and a service line is entered in the Time Module and then billed out, the Bill Line (in the Payments Module) will be automatically written off with the Pro-bono transaction type. These services can be tracked in the Accounting Module, as well as some reports including the 1010 and 1370 report.