This article should be used to train your new intake or support staff. It will point them to videos and articles for staff who are just beginning to use Procentive for client intake, appointments and Client Portal.
Learning Videos and Articles
Client Intake
- Add Clients to the Clients Module (Video - 19 min)
- Run Eligibility When Adding a Client
Client Authorizations
- Enter and Update Client Authorizations (Video - 12 min)
- Create a Pending Authorization
Scheduling Appointment
Appointments Module - Basic Maneuvering (Video - 7 min)
- Waiting List (Video - 9 min)
- Mass Notifications (Video - 7 min)
- Add an Individual Appointment (Video - 7 min)
- Create a Recurring Group Appointment Using a Client Group
- Appointment Reminders
- Comprehensive Guide to the Appointments Module
How to Use Client Portal
- Client Portal Manager
- How to Invite a Client to Client Portal
- Kiosk Forms Using Client Portal (Video - 6 min)
Important: If your agency is just beginning to use Client Portal for the first time, you will want to review this article to Set Up Client Portal For Your Agency.