What is the purpose of the Resource Module?
The primary purpose of the Resources Module is to allow the scheduling of Resources in the Appointments Module. A Resource is any item you want your staff to reserve using the calendar in the Appointments Module. A group room, training or testing room, a laptop, vehicle or therapy tools – these can all be resources. Once created, resources can be reserved using the Appointments Module and attached directly to client appointments, allowing staff to both make a client appointment and reserve the room needed to complete the appointment. (Instructions on how to do this are included in this help file).
How do I create a Resource?
- To create a resource, go to the Resource Module and click Add. The window below will open.
- Give the resource a number (0100, 0120, 0130, etc.).
- Enter a Name for the resource. Be sure to choose a name that everyone in your organization will recognize.
- Next, choose a default location for the resource.
- Click Save. Add as many resources as you need.
How do I reserve a Resource in the Appointments Module?
- To reserve a resource, go to the Appointments Module.
- Select the Resource Reservations view (the system defaults to show the “Staff Appointments” view first. The Resource Reservations view is in this same menu.
- Choose the location of the resource, and then choose the resource itself.
- Double-click on the calendar on the date and time you want to reserve the resource.
- The Appointments Add window will open for the given date, time, location and resource. See the window to the right.
- Choose the duration of time needed with this resource.
- Verify that the location and staff are correct.
- Add a description to the description field if needed.
- Click Save.
How do I associate a Resource with a client appointment?
- To associate a resource to a client or staff appointment, go to the Appointments Module, find the client or staff appointment, and double click on it to open it.
- In the Appointment Tab, in the lower-right portion of the screen, click on the Add button under Resources associated with this Appointment.
What happens if a Resource is already reserved?
If you try to add a resource that has already been reserved, you will get a warning box stating that the appointment overlaps with another one.