This article will instruct you on how to add a recurrence to an appointment.
Add Recurring Appointments
- Click on the Appointments Module
- Add an appointment or locate an appointment and double-click to open.
- Click on the Recurrence tab.
- Choose one of the following frequencies:
- If Weekly, then
- Place a check next to each day the appointment will reoccur.
- Select how often from the dropdown
- Each week = every week, Every 2 weeks = every other week, etc.
- Each week = every week, Every 2 weeks = every other week, etc.
- If Monthly, then
- Choose one of the following
- Day of every month (the 1st day of every month) or
- The week and day of every month (The second Thursday of every month)
- Choose one of the following
- If Weekly, then
- Enter the duration in one of these fields:
- Number of weeks/months.
- Last Date.
- Click Save.