What Has Been Sent Via Client Email?
- Go to the Reports module.
- Type Kiosk into the Search: at the top of the page.
- Click on the underlined Kiosk Report.
- The kiosk report window will open.
- Select a from and to date or a Quick Range date.
- Click Display.
Kiosk Report 2090
The Kiosk Report (2090) will display all clinical documents that have been sent to a client's email in the time period selected. It will include details of which clinical document(s) were sent, the date they were sent and which email address they were sent to. A Yes in Used column (last column on the right) indicates that the clinical document was saved and submitted to Procentive. If it says No, it can mean the client accessed the link but did not Submit the completed clinical document.
- This report will not show clinical documents sent to the Client Portal. Please visit the Client Portal Manager module to determine which clinical documents have been sent to the client and the status of those clinical documents.
Receive Notifications on Clinical Documents Completed by Clients
Workflow can notify a particular staff when a client has completed a clinical document.
To set up a Workflow rule:
- Click the Workflow Definitions module.
- Click Add.
- A window will called New Workflow Rule.
- The type will default to advanced; this is the correct choice.
- Choose Clinical/Charting Workflow.
- Click OK.
- Name: Enter a name for this workflow, such as New Form Received.
- Description: optional, enter if helpful.
- Click Save.
- The window will close and your workflow rule will be added to the list of rules.
- To open the newly created rule, double click on it.
- Click on the Phases tab.
- Name: Type in None.
- Color: Select black.
- Click Add.
- None will appear in the white box to the left.
- Click the Project Rules tab.
- Rule Name: Enter a rule name
- Type of Trigger: select Days after document created.
- Days after: enter 0 (zero).
- Form: Choose a specific form from the drop-down.
- The following fields can be used to further define this rule. Make the appropriate selection or choose [all]:
- Clients must be in these locations:
- Client must be in these programs:
- Client must be in these groups:
- Clients must have these payers:
- Move to the right side of this window to complete the section: Settings for new projects created with this rule.
- Starts with Phase: Choose None
- Starts with status: Choose New
- Starts with priority: Choose one
- Task is due: Enter when the due date or when you would like this project completed.
- In the next section, Assign Staff to new Projects using these rules, you will need to select which staff will be notified.
- If one individual (such as an intake coordinator) should be notified, click on the pick list under If the above rules fail to select a staff, send to:
- Choose a staff member from this pick list
- Click Ok.
- The staff member name will appear next to the pick list.
- If one individual (such as an intake coordinator) should be notified, click on the pick list under If the above rules fail to select a staff, send to:
- Click Change (at the bottom of the middle column).
- Click Save.
Important: It's very important to click both the Change and Save to save your information.
How does this work?
When the client saves and submits the clinical document, this workflow rule will be triggered and the designated staff will receive a workflow notification in the Workflow Module. This clinical document will then be accessible in the Clinical/Charting module.