Error Message
- Each line must have a date of admission and a diagnosis.
- The admissions facility must be entered in the payer dialog or the client dialog, admissions tab.
- You must enter the date for the admission (the date of service may be outside the admissions dates).
- You must enter the discharge hour, since the patient has been discharged.
- The diagnosis type selected does not have a matching admission diagnosis type (ICD9/ICD10).
These errors will appear when attempting to submit an institutional claim in the Billing module > Add window and Procentive is unable to match the data from the date of service with the data on the client's admissions line set up in the Clients Module > Admissions tab.
- Go to the Clients Module.
- Click the Admissions tab.
- Review and compare the data from the date of service with the data listed on the admissions line.
- The diagnosis selected on the date of service should match the diagnosis entered.
- The date of service should begin on or be within the range of the dates entered in the Date Admitted and Date Discharged fields.
- Facility drop-down should have a selection made or set to the payer's default.
- If Payer Default is chosen, verify that the payer being billed has a default setup in the Payers Module > Payer Rules tab > Default admissions facility.
- If Payer Default is chosen, verify that the payer being billed has a default setup in the Payers Module > Payer Rules tab > Default admissions facility.
- The program selected on the date of service should match the program entered on the admissions line.
- To require programs on service lines to match the admissions program enable the setting Match the program on the service line to the program on the admission located in the Settings module > Billing tab and click Change at the bottom of the window.
- Make changes if needed and click Save.