For security reasons, Procentive employees cannot update or modify digital signature passwords for our customers. If you digitally sign your clients’ forms and have forgotten your signing password, you have a couple options for how you or fellow staff at your organization can reset it.
Option 1: If you remember the response to your challenge question.
- Go to the Settings Module.
- Click on the Password tab.
- Enter the answer to the question that appears under the Digital Signature Password section.
- Signing Password: Enter a new signing password.
- Confirm Signing Password: Re-enter the signing password.
Option 2: If you have forgotten the response to your challenge question.
If you are able to make changes in the Staff Module, you may complete the following steps:
NOTE: If you cannot make changes to the Staff Module, ask your agency's Procentive Champion -- a person who is one of the "gurus" on how Procentive works. Procentive Champions should have this permission.
- Go to the Staff Module.
- Double click to open the staff record.
Click on the Role Tab.
Click on the reset signing password link.
- A window will open and ask to confirm that you want to reset the signing password.
- Click OK.
- At this point, the staff can now create a digital signature password again.