This article will help you allocate a payment that was previously saved in Procentive and now you want to apply this payment to the client's outstanding balance.
Apply Credits To Client Balance
- Go to the Payments Module.
- At the top of the screen change the drop-down View to Payments.
- Change the drop-down Show to Private Pay Only.
- Locate the payment you wish to allocate.
- To verify that there are credits left on this payment, check to see if there is a dollar amount in the unallocated (credit) column.
- Double-click on the line (where there is not a blue line).
- The Payments Window will open.
- You will see the payment information (reference, amount, posting date) in the top section of the screen.
- You should also see Overpay Credits listed for the Payer: Copay, Coinsurance, Deductible, in the Payer section.
- To view only unpaid service lines for this client, in the clients section, change Show: Unpaid.
- The unpaid service lines for this client will now appear below.
- To view only service line for this payer, in the client section, change Show All to Show Payer Only.
- This payer should be Copay, Coinsurance, Deductible or some other self pay payer.
- Locate the service line you would like to allocate the payment to.
- Choose new to create a new transaction.
- A window listing previously saved payments will open.
- A window listing previously saved payments will open.
- Choose the payment you are allocating from list.
- If you do not see the payment, choose select other payment... to search for other payments.
- The transaction type will default to Payment.
- Enter the dollar amount in the Amount column.
- Click save.
- A green SAVED box will appear to indicate the transaction was saved.
- Close the window.
NOTE: If you receive this message, that payment is in a frozen period, you will need to follow these steps for allocating in a closed period.