How to change payment information (i.e. amount, reference, posting date), for a payment that was previously saved.
Edit a Payment
- Go to Payments Module.
- At the top of the screen, change the drop-down View to Payments.
- The screen will refresh.
- Locate the payment you would like to change.
- Tips for searching:
- Use the Show drop-down to specify third party & Gov't, Private Pay Only or All.
- Use the search box at the bottom of this screen to search for the client or payer.
- You may need to uncheck the Show Last 90 Days.
- Double click on the payment line (where there is not a blue link) you would like to change.
- A Payments Window will open
- The top section of this screen shows the payment information.
- Click the edit link in the top section.
- A window will open where you can edit details.
- Apply the necessary changes.
- Click Save.
- Close the Payments Window.