The Payments Module is where you can find payments that have been saved in Procentive, as well as view if these payments have been allocated. This article will provide an overview of the Payments Module.
Views in the Payments Module
Clients: Allows you to view all billed service line entries for a particular client.
- This is the default view.
- Defaults to all clients who have an outstanding balance.
- Payments: Allows you to view all payments that have been saved in Procentive.
- Double-click on a client's name or double-click on a payment and the Payment Window will open.
Payments Window
Reference | Name | Description |
a | Payment Section | Shows current payment information, if one is being applied. |
b | Client Section | Use the selection fields to choose the client and the services lines that will display below. |
c | Payers Section | Shows all payers associated with the selected client, as well as each payers' outstanding balance and any unallocated credits. |
d | Service Lines Section | Shows details regarding the selected service lines. Note: Selections made in section (2) will reflect what you see here. |
Reference | Name | Description |
e | This Payment | Click on this payment to open a report showing all service lines that are included in this payment reference. |
f | This Payer | Click on this payer to see all service lines due for this payer. |
g | Edit | Click on edit to edit this payment data (amount, reference, posting date). |
h | Stmt | Click on stmt to create a client statement report. |
i | Pick Payment | Click on pick payment to change the payment being allocated (the payment listed in section a). |
j | DOS (Date of Service) | Click on the date in the DOS column to access the Change Time Window for this service. |
k | Payer Drop Down | Allows you to queue this service line to create a new invoice for a new payer (i.e. secondary payer). |
l | Invoice Number | Click on the invoice number in the reference column to access the Invoice Window. |
m | New | Click on new to add a new transaction to the corresponding service line. |
n | ERA | Click on era to open an era that Procentive has matched to this client/payer/DOS. |