This article includes a compilation of the most commonly requested and used reports.
What Type of Report Are You Looking For?
Click on the section to see recommendations.
Billing, Payments and A/R
What has been billed?
- 1010 Billed Item Search
- 1250 Original Billings
- Accounting Module
What has been paid?
- 1020 Client Payment
- 3230 What a client has paid
- 3330 Client payments in a posting period
- Accounting Module
- 1370 Payments Breakdown
- 1380 Invoice Breakdown
How can I match up deposits with what I posted in Procentive?
- 1140 Payments during a posting period
- 1370 Payments Breakdown
What about Accounts Receivable?
- Collections Module
- 1030 Collections (sort able in a variety of ways)
- 1130 Payments due (for a payer)
- 1220 Accounts Receivable
- 1310 Unpaid service lines
- 3250 Client Collections
- 3240 What a client owes
Clinical Staff
How many hours have I entered in the time module?
- 8000 Staff Productivity
- Time Module
Show me all of the clinical documents for a given client or staff.
- 2010 Clinical Report
- 2020 Clinical Report by Staff
Did I create a clinical note for all of my service lines?
- 2030 Service lines with missing notes
- Time Module
Give me a summary of my current caseload (client name, payer info, auth units remaining, etc)
- 3020 Caseload
- 3030 Caseload (compact)
Important Client Information
Who has an appointment tomorrow?
- 3010 Appointment call list
Which auths or diagnoses or other data points are expiring?
- 3130 Expirations report
Show me current authorizations
- 3040 Client Authorizations
Are any clients missing important data in the client module?
- 3380 Client Exceptions
Statements or Summary of Client Services
- 3310 List of Visits
- 3320 Client Statements
Reports That Help Maintain Your Clients Module
- 3390 Duplicate client report – shows clients that have been entered more than once
- 3380 Report – shows if clients are missing key information in the client module
- 3260 Non-paying clients
Productivity/Time Module – For Admin or Supervisory Staff
- 6130 Staff Sessions Summary
- 8000 Staff Productivity – shows number of hours/units over a date range AND if a service line has a progress note
- 8030 General Productivity Report – one of our most flexible reports
- 8090 Group Productivity – shows numbers specific to Group services
What About Residential Services? How do I see the Census Report?
- 3490 Monthly Residential Census
- 3492 Daily Residential Census
How Many Clients Do We Serve Anyway?
- 3280 Number of Clients Served – you can break this out a few different ways
Reports To Run Before I Close a Month, or Before I Run Statements
- 1280 Unallocated Payments
- 1290 Credits due report
Reports To Run Weekly To Verify Service Lines Are Being Entered Properly
- 1300 Appointments without service lines – a great way to make sure that all appointments are being converted into service lines in the time module.
- 2030 Service lines with missing notes
- Time Module – display all lines with errors.
- Billing Module/Add window – to see service lines that have an error or some other issue that is making them un billable -- look beneath the date range in the “Add” screen for a section that says “There are 270 service lines that cannot be billed at this time. Click here to see them.”
Contacts-Related Reports
- 3120 Contact Labels – a way to create mailing labels when you want to send a letter to all of your contacts from the Contacts Module.
- 9010 Contacts with Expired Release dates – shows all contacts with an expired release date in the client module/contacts tab.
- 9020 Clients for Contacts – shows clients that are associated with each contact.
- 9030 Inactive Contacts – shows contacts that are associated with inactive clients. A good report to run when you want to inactivate contacts that are family-related.
“Big Brother” Types of Reports
- 6150 Staff Logons Per Month
- 6160 Clinical Documents Per Month
- 6170 Average Time from DOS to Service Line and Charting – Starting with the DOS, how long does it take my staff to enter a service line in the time module, then create a clinical document, and then put the service line on a claim?
- 6180 Staff Logon History – shows the specific dates and times a user logged on to Procentive over a given date range.
What about Demographic Reporting?
- 3420 Demographic Distribution
- Report listed in the Category Demographics (All of the 7000 range reports)
Do You Have Reports That Print Mailing Labels?
- 3120 Contact Labels – a way to create mailing labels when you want to send a letter to all of your contacts from the Contacts Module
- 3180 Labels – Client address labels