Available Categories Types
Categories can be added to:
- Programs
- Invoice Lines
- Services Lines
- Payers
- Clients
- Codes
Some common examples are tracking veteran status in the Clients Module, tracking a group topic or co-facilitator in the Time Module, and creating program subcategories.
Categories do not have the ability to track changes. If the field you are creating may change over time, and you will need a record of those changes, you will want to capture this data in an online form.
Request the Categories Module
Send a support ticket to Procentive and request the Categories module be added to your database. Once Procentive confirms the module is available, you can continue with the set-up steps below.
- Go to Settings Module.
- Click on the Setup Tab.
- Scroll to bottom of page to locate Categories section.
- To add a category to your database, select the next number in Number of...categories to use field.
- For example: Change None to 1, 1 to 2, etc.
- You may notice a new field open to name the new category; however, do not name it just yet.
- Click Change.
- The screen will scroll to the top once this information has been saved.
- Scroll back down to the Categories section.
- Enter the Name of the category.
- Enter the Plural name of the category (can be same as above).
- Click Change.
- Refresh your screen:
- You should now see the Categories Module in the module list to the left.
In the example above, we are adding a new category to group time add to track session topic.
Define Category Options
What you are doing here is creating options to populate a drop-down.
- Click on Categories Module.
- Click Add.
- An Add Categories window will appear.
- An Add Categories window will appear.
- Number: (optional) Use this to order your choices or further define them.
- Name: Add the first choice.
- Description: (optional)
Kind: Select the category type you created in the set-up section above.
- This is only necessary when you have multiple category types.
For: Choose the type.
- This is only necessary when you have multiple options.
- Click Save.
- Repeat until you have created all of the necessary choices.