This article takes you through the steps of quickly creating a group service line by populating it with clients from a client group. You are able to do this is in the Appointments Module (from a scheduled appointment) or the Time Module.
From the Appointments Module
- Go to the Appointments Module.
- Click once on the Appointment.
- Click Time Add on the information panel on the right.
- The Time Add window will open in the Group view.
- Select a supervisor if necessary.
- Select a code.
- Do not choose the client group again.
- Choose a program.
- If you need to alter any individual line, (mark it as no-show, etc.) do so now.
- Click Save.
- The note selection window will open – you can do the note now or later.
From the Time Module
- Go to the Time Module.
- Click Add.
- Select the Group radio button at the top of the Time Add window.
- Fill out the fields in the top section of the Time Add window in this order:
- Location (if applicable)
- Staff
- Supervisor (if applicable)
- Code: Select the code for the group service provided, one of two ways:
- Default Code checked: the code you select will be applied to all clients in the group
- Default Code unchecked: the code you select will be applied to any clients who do not have a distinct authorized group code (entered in the Clients Module, Payers tab, Authorizations sub-tab).
- Place
- Client group: Select the appropriate client group for the service you are recording, one of two ways:
- Advanced selection checked: This will allow you access a check list to mark the clients who attended.
- Advanced selection unchecked: All clients listed in the Client Group will populate in the table down below.
- Client: Once you have added clients via the Client Group field, if there are additional clients who need to be added, use the Client quick search text box or pick list to find them.
- Program
- If you need to alter any individual line, (mark it as no-show, etc.) do so now.
- Click Save.
- The note selection window will open – you can do the note now or later.