When a new staff member needs access to Procentive, you will need to set up a new account for them. This article contains basic instructions on how to add them to Procentive using the Staff Module.
Add New Staff to Staff Module
- Go to Staff Module.
- Click Add.
- Enter Staff's First Name and Last Name.
- Select Gender.
- Enter Position
- Example: Administrative Assistant, Counselor, Biller, etc.
- Enter their E-Mail.
- Enter a User Name
- Use this format: first letter of their first name and full last name (eg. Todd Jones = tjones)
- Please do not enter anything other than this into the User Name text field
- If the staff has a hyphenated last name you may enter in the hyphen
- If another staff has the same username, use a middle initial to differentiate (eg. tdjones)
- Enter a temporary Password of 1234abcd.
- Set Require Password Change on next logon to Yes.
- Click the Role tab.
- Select a Role from the drop-down menu.
- Select the staff's Type.
- Therapy/Counseling: Assign to staff that will be meeting with clients for services.
- Administration: Assign to staff that will not be meeting with clients for services.
Administration (Time tracking allowed): Assign to staff that will not be meeting with clients for services, but will be adding service lines in the Time Module.
- eg. Track PTO, Supervision, or create a generic bill.
Important: If a staff's Type is set to one of the Administration options, that staff will always have the option to see All staff's clients in the Clients Module - regardless of any other permissions. Set Type to Therapy/Counseling to remove the option of All in drop-downs and limit staff's access to only their clients.
- eg. Track PTO, Supervision, or create a generic bill.
- Click Locations tab (if applicable) and associate needed locations.
- Click Programs tab (if applicable) and associate needed programs.
- Click Save.
- At this point the staff will now be able to login and use Procentive.
NOTE: Additional fields may be completed if desired/needed, such as hire date, phone numbers, billing information (NPI), or supervision needs.