Creating availability is helpful for scheduling appointments, whether a front desk staff is scheduling for you or a client is viewing your availability through Client Portal. In order for your client to schedule or request an appointment through Client Portal, each staff member must enter the times that they are available for client appointments. The “Staff Availability” allows other staff and clients (if you so choose) to see available appointment times for each staff they are associated with.
Set Up Staff Availability
- Go to the Appointments Module.
- Select Staff Availability.
- Select the Location of availability (if applicable).
- Select the Staff who's availability is being setup.
- Click Add.
- In the Appointment tab, complete the following fields
- Date: Enter date of availability or the date availability will begin if setting up a recurring availability.
- Time: Enter time availability begins.
Duration: Enter the number of hours and minutes that the staff will be available.
- In the example above, this staff's availability is from 8 am to 10 am.
Label (optional): Enter a description you would like to appear on the calendar.
- Example: Type of services provided in this time period (New Intakes, Client Appointments, etc.)
- Background Color (optional): If a color is selected, it will appear on the Appointment calendar as the background for availability.
Text Color (optional): If a color is selected, the font that appears on the Appointment calendar for this availability will appear as the color selected.
- Default is black.
- Location: Select the location for which the staff will be available (if applicable).
- Client Portal: Select whether or not a client is allowed to schedule an appointment during this availability from within the Client Portal.
- Appt Length: This pertains to Client Portal and allows you to select how long each appointment can be that is self-scheduled through the Client Module.
- Break Length: This pertains to Client Portal and allows you to select how long of a break to leave between appointments (before another appointment can be self-scheduled through the Client Module).
- If you would like to make this availability recurring, click Recurrence tab
- Complete the following fields:
- Select either the Weekly or Monthly radio button.
- New fields will appear to the right
- Complete these fields with the details regarding when this availability will occur.
- Enter either the Last Date or the Number of weeks for the recurrence.
- Note: Please limit recurrences to 1 year or less.
- Select either the Weekly or Monthly radio button.
- Click Save.
- Change the view back to Staff Appointment
- You should now see the Staff Availability that has been created.
- You should now see the Staff Availability that has been created.