There may be times when after you have saved a payment, you need to start over. Where you are in the process will determine the steps you will take to delete the payment. This article will outline those steps for you.
With the following permission, you can delete the payment yourself.
Delete a Payment
If you have the above permission and the payment is completely unallocated, you can delete the payment.
- Go to the Payments Module.
- Click on the payment you want to delete to highlight the line.
- Click Delete in the top right corner.
NOTE: If the payment has been partially or completely allocated, you will need to send a ticket to Procentive to have the payment deleted.
- Please include the following information in the ticket: Payer name, Payment Reference Number, Amount, and Date Posted.
- If the payment is in a closed period, you will need to give us written permission in the ticket to re-open Accounting and delete the payment.