Families Module is used to associate clients with other billable family members. This is helpful because families can be comprised of many different names and configurations so it can be hard to keep track. In the window below, all family members associated with each other will appear in the blue-dynamic link on the right. The family must be created in the Families Module before the association can be made to each client in the Clients Module.
Adding Families
- Go to the Families Module.
- Click Add.
- Add in the Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone Number and County.
- Click Save.
- Once clients are added to a Family, a list of those clients will show within the Family as shown below.
- Once clients are added to a Family, a list of those clients will show within the Family as shown below.
Associate Client with Families
The Families Module is to associate immediate family members that are billable clients. By comparison, the Contacts Module is used to associate clients with other non-billable family members, and/or professional workers, such as social workers, court liaisons, police officers, etc. The Contacts Module may be used to associate clients with grandparents not included in the Families Module if necessary.
- Go to the Clients Module.
- Double-click on the client.
- Locate the Family: text box.
- Click the picklist icon.
- Choose a family to add the client to.
- You can also choose to put the relationship within the family to the right.
- Click Save.
NOTE: If you would like to use the address in the Families Module for any of the clients in the family, change the Use address from the family indicated above (address set in family dialog) setting to Yes.
Once this is chosen and saved, the address fields will display as the address entered in the Families Module and are not editable.
Add Special Family Information
- Go to the Families Module.
- Double-click on the family.
- Click on the Notes Tab.
- Add any special information about the family in this section, such as who to call or who not to call.
- Click Save.