In this article, you will see how to review invoice details after claims have been billed out.
- Go to the Billing Module.
- Invoice line items show invoice number, payer, staff, total, and date.
- The Staff column lists the user who sent the invoice to the Payer.
- The Data hyperlink will display the data that is going on an electronic claim.
- The Open hyperlink will display the data that will go on a HCFA or generic payer invoice, which are printed and sent via mail.
- Selecting Unpaid invoices, Paid invoices or Both in the Show: dropdown field will change which invoices you see.
- Invoice line items show invoice number, payer, staff, total, and date.
- Double-click on an invoice line.
- The Invoice window will populate.
- The Time tab displays the service line details on the invoice.
- The Invoice window will populate.
- Click the small, black triangle to the left of the service line date.
- This area shows the claim submission date, batch number, and claim number.
- This area may also show invoice changes and notes if staff edit or resend the invoice.
- This area will show payments once received and allocated to the service line.