This article will give you a peek into what your client will see when making a credit card payment via the Client Portal and CMS.
NOTE: In order for clients to be able to make credit card payments in the Client Portal, this setting needs to be turned on in the Client Portal Manager > client portal settings.
- Once logged into the Client Portal, the client can navigate to the Payments window one of two ways:
Home > Payments module
Payments module
Home > Payments module
- Click Make Payment.
- In the Make Payment window, the client will enter the Payment Amount, select a Service Location, if applicable.
- The client will click Continue.
- In the New Payment window, the client will enter their credit card number, expiration month/year, CVV and zip code.
- The client will click PAY.
- If the payment was successful, the client will see a similar message to the following where they can choose to either print a receipt or have one mailed to them.
- The client will X out of this window and the transaction is complete.
NOTE: If an invalid card number is entered, the client will receive this error message:
NOTE: If your clients are allowed to see their client balance in the Client Portal using this setting, the client's balance will not update to reflect the payment until it is applied to a service line by your staff.