On February 28 & March 1, 2022, Procentive presented a webinar for our residential agencies providing an update on the development of Bed Management. The recording of that webinar is below, as well as the Q&A that followed.
Video Timeline
Hover over the dots on the video's timeline to see the title of each chapter. You can also click on the chapters icon to see the chapter titles and timestamps.
Agenda: 00:50
Introductions: 1:29
Phase 1 Objectives: 2:04
Phase 1 Feature Demonstration: 3:40
Review of Phase 2 Objectives: 26:26
Questions and Answers from the webinar:
Q: Can a client be in 2 locations at the same time? Or is this only for the Location of their bed and not necessarily where their services are provided?
A: An individual may only be assigned to a single bed at any point in time for all the Locations your company is managing within Bed Management.
An individual may have one or more reservations for a bed across one or more facilities or Locations managed within Bed Management. For example, due to uncertainty around what an incoming individual’s needs may be, a bed may be reserved in a medical unit bed as well as a therapy or treatment bed. Once that individual is on-premises, the appropriate bed can be assigned and the other bed reservation canceled.
An individual may be assigned to a bed while having one or more reservations for a bed elsewhere in Locations your company manages within Bed Management.
Bed Management has been designed to support tracking an individual’s attendance for the purposes of supporting billing needs around the provision of bed-stays. In the future, we will be exploring how functionality may be extended to support attendance tracking around other services in addition to bed-stays.
Q: How will you handle when they [company?] have a license [authorization?] for GRH Beds, but clients receive their license treatment at another location that is licensed for the services.
A: We will need to discuss this offline to better understand the scenario and requirements.
Q: Do you capture when a bed is unassigned along with assign – like there should be something preventing duplicate assignments?
A: All activity and bed changes will be logged, so yes, Removed Assignments and Assignments will be logged and reflected in the Bed History and Client History details.
The system will automatically prevent someone from being assigned to a second bed if they have an active bed assignment in the system.
Q: Is there going to be an option to expand or collapse all fields rather than having to click on each one?
A: We are looking forward to learning how real users will want to interact with the hierarchy during our Beta tests. The test process will enable us to define which navigation enhancements will best allow users to arrive at the desired content. For example, an Expand All/Collapse All type of interaction.
Q: In Bed History, a suggestion would be to have a start/admit date and an end/discharge date.
A: We will be working with our Beta Test group to help refine the language and labels displayed in our UI.
Q: Is Length of Stay connected at all to ‘authorized days’ from the authorization or would it only be entered manually?
A: Not initially. It is something that could be considered as a future enhancement. Cross-checking authorization information should be possible and falls into the scope of the billing-related enhancements which are being gathered to better support residential customer needs.
Q: Is all the management done only in the Bed Management module or will any of it be able to be manipulated through the Client profile where a lot of the admit process is happening.
A: Initially, it will need to be performed in the Bed Management module. We will be exploring where Bed Management information is needed elsewhere in Procentive and will be considering providing some additional integrations to those locations.
Q: Can each company customize the categories' descriptions during the setup, referring to the words Buildings/Floors/Wings/Units etc?
A: The words ‘Building/Wing/Unit/Floor/Room etc. are not automatically displayed in the UI and you are not required to name them as such. However, Bed Management is applying rules across several of the levels (such as all Beds must be associated with a Room), and therefore under the hood they need to remain what they are and cannot be changed. We would like to better understand the requirements for the scenario you are looking to configure in Bed Management so we can consider future enhancement options.
Q: Would a client’s bed information be available in any other module such as Client Module or Appointment Calendar to quickly find a client in a bed?
A: Out of the gate, no, but we know that there are other locations in Procentive where that information would be valuable. We will be working with customers to explore those areas and the priority around adding those enhancements.
Q: Would there be functionality to turn on/off the client image visibility based on permissions? Or an option to pin/unpin the navigation panel?
A: We will add these requests to the list of items to discuss and work with customers to prioritize as potential future enhancements.
Q: Will this module feed info to the residential billing calendar until the billing functions are updated?
A: We will be back-feeding attendance information into the current residential calendar. A feature is being added to the existing Procentive Residential Calendar that will allow staff to populate it from the Bed Management attendance information.
Q: When will we have access to this module?
A: General availability is targeted for July 2022.
Q: Will we need to change everyone’s permissions to add Bed Management for them to view per the timeline?
A: Staff Role permissions WILL need to be adjusted to grant access to the module and grant relevant Bed Management permissions.
Q: Are we getting a copy of this training[webinar]?
A: Yes, this webinar is being recorded and will be posted to our Live Updates page as well as our Knowledge Hub.
This isn’t intended to be a training. The look and behavior of the application may still change before final implementation.
Q: Where can we upload a client photo?
A: Clients module > Misc tab > (scroll to bottom) Picture
Q: Can we customize the tags for our programs?
A: Yes. Tags are completely customizable for each company. You can create as many tags as needed to associate to beds.
Q: Will training be offered?
A: We anticipate providing training. The format and details of the training have not yet been finalized.
Knowledge Hub articles are being added to cover the various features and tasks.
Q: Will we be able to print a MAR from the screen where medications are typed into?
A: The Procentive team is exploring opportunities to address MAR needs through Procentive.