This report provides visibility to all electronic payments processed through Vantage for your agency for a selected date range.
To give a role permission to see this report:
- Go to the Staff module > Role tab > Edit Roles.
- In the search for permissions field, enter vantage.
- Check the box for 1563 Vantage Transaction Report.
- Click Change Role.
- Repeat for all roles that need this permission.
Columns in the report include:
- [Vantage Merchant] Transaction # - This is the transaction number associated with the payment.
- NOTE: If a transaction is refunded, the refund will appear as a separate transaction with it's own transaction number.
- Transaction Date/Time - This is the date and time the payment took place.
- Name - This is the individual or company being debited or credited with the amount of the transaction.
- Transaction Account Reference - This is generally the last four digits of the credit card number or the account being debited or credited.
- Transaction Type - This is a code that identifies the result of the transaction.
- +CC = Successful charge
- +CC Decline = Declined transaction
- +CC Void = Voided charge
- -CK = Credit or deposit of funds into the merchant account
- +CK = Debit or withdrawal from the merchant account
- +CK Return = Return on funds that could not be successfully deposited into the merchant account
- +CK Return Fee = Fee on a returned deposit into the merchant account
- -CC Refund = Refunded transaction
- -Chargeback = Actual chargeback/disputed amount withdrawn from the merchant account
- +PP = ProPay Charge
- +PP Fee/Fine = ProPay Fee/Fine
- Auth Amount - This is the total amount of the transaction submitted for processing.
- Disc Fee - This is the Discount Fee being retained by Vantage, deducted from the original amount being processed.
- Transaction Fee - This is the Transaction Fee being retained by Vantage, deducted from the amount being processed.
- Credit - This is the amount of any credit applied to the transaction by Vantage.
- Net Amount - This is the Net Amount being credited to the PRO Customer account.
- Auth Amount - (Disc Fee + Transaction Fee) = Net Amount
- Bank - This is the financial institution being credited.
NOTE: The data in this report is current up until the end of the day yesterday. Data for this report is updated on a daily basis.