The Setup View will be used to define each housing facility according to your needs for managing and reporting capacity and attendance information. A minimum of one Room, within one Building, is required for each Location in order to add and manage beds.
Rooms may optionally be organized by intermediate levels (Floors, Wings, or Units) within a Building. Customers may customize the order and hierarchy of the intermediate Floor, Wing and Unit levels to match their needs.
Properties of Facility Levels
All fields are required unless otherwise noted.
Level Type
- Text field **
- 120-character limit
- Bed Capacity (optional)
- Program (optional)
Same as Location Address (Building only)
- Checkbox
- When checked, poplulates the Building address fields to match the Location.
- Address (Building only)
- Checkbox
- Inactive (unchecked) Levels are not available for reservation or assignment.
Staff (optional)
- May be assigned to any level.
- Inherited by child level(s).
- Inherited staff may not be removed unless removed from the parent level.
Notes (optional)
- Text field
- 500-character limit
Bed Properties (specific to the Bed level type)
Bed Status
- Text field
- 120-character limit
Bed Type (optional)
- Text field
- 120-character limit
Occupancy Status
- Unoccupied (default)
- Occupied
Reservation Status
- Available (default)
- Reserved
Occupant Type
- Client (default)
- Dependent (of client)
- Used for anyone in residence who is a guest of a client, ie child, spouse, parent, guardian.
Occupant Name
- Client Name/ID for Occupant Type of Client
- Dependent Name for Occupant Type of Dependent
Bed Tags
- Text field
- 120-character limit
**All text fields allow only letters, numbers and these six symbols:
- Comma (,)
- Period (.)
- Apostrophe (')
- Hyphen (-)
- Asterisk (*)
- Number (#)